4 Ways To Break Free From A Fashion Rut

4 Ways To Break Free From A Fashion Rut
Whether it’s the glorious shift in the weather or the re-emergence into normal life, you’re not alone in the ‘what to wear’ panic many of us are experiencing now that we’re graced with the opportunity to get dressed in our favourite garms and leave the house again.
If you find yourself caught in the grips of a fashion rut, stay calm, we’ve got you. Firstly, it may not be huge shopping spree that you need, but a few key pieces, a splash of creativity and finding fun in the experience to help shake off that jaded feeling you’re experience as you stare hopelessly into your wardrobe each morning.
These tips will help you with updating your wardrobe and falling in love with your personal style all over again.
Make statement gems the star of the show
We’re seeing many post-lockdown trends centring on bring, vibrant colours, perhaps a nod to the feeling of coming alive again as the world around us begins to see hope in re-opening again. Turn your attention from the shelves of your wardrobe, to you jewellery collection instead and choose one key statement piece to plan your outfit around. Let your jewels do the talking and the rest will all fall into place.
Get out and about (safely)
We’ve spent the last year basing our outfits on comfort and when we weren’t in our local parks or walking the same route around the block, we were in our homes day in and day out. We’ve not had the same buzz of ideas you get while people watching, admiring outfits from afar or even flicking through street style shots from fashion week.
Now that things have started to open up again in Dublin, take yourself off for a trip into town, grab a coffee and enjoy soaking up the outfit inspo that comes from just watching the world go by and seeing the creative ways that others are embracing personal style.
Make your own bespoke piece
I know the feeling. You stare at your wardrobe in frustration each morning, with no idea what to wear or how to feel good in your clothes, you’re tired of the clothes staring back at you and you know you need a change. The thing is, you have no idea what that change even is. Hello, fashion rut. Here’s the thing, you need to get out of your head and start using your hands instead.
At times we tend to overcomplicate matters by trying too hard and not allowing any spontaneity or deeper expression to come through. Sometimes - even with things like what to wear - things just get too heady.
So why not take a moment, shake it off and try something outside the box to break free from your fashion rut?
Get out of your head and use your hands to create your own bespoke jewellery piece at one of Silver Works jewellery making classes, re-opening on 2nd June. Bring your friends and have an afternoon of fun and creativity. All that learning, laughing and creativity will spill into other areas of your life, like your wardrobe and before you know it you’ve got a whole mood board of outfit ideas built around your new bespoke piece.
Come and say hello
Now that our doors are very happily open again, call in and lets have a chat about helping you to break free from your style rut. No one knows our stock better than our team. Like magpies drawn to shiny things, we’ve always got our eyes peeled for new jewellery trends, popular pieces and fresh perspectives on how to style our multitude of gems, jewels and classic pieces at Gallardo & Blaine.
Remember, this fashion rut you’re experiencing is temporary. Inspiration comes from fun and finding fresh perspectives so embrace that and the rest will follow.